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Elite: Dangerous Companion Apps & Websites

With the game being as expansive as it is, relying on just the in-game information alone can actually leave you a little hindered if you are trying to achieve a particular goal, whether it is mining to make credits or getting together the relevant materials that you need to engineer your ship.  Here is a list of third-party apps and websites that you can use to enhance your experience within Elite: Dangerous and also help in enriching it for others.

Companion App or Website


INARA [Website]

A literal database for everything in the game, with up to date information on systems, bases, markets, engineers, etc.  If there is something that you need to look for in the game, you will more than likely find it here.


EDSM - Elite: Dangerous Star Map [Website]

Website that chronicles your flights through the galaxy by receiving data uploaded to the site (more on that later), it also gives you information on engineers that you have unlocked, your fleet of ships and advanced planning of trips for that all important exploration of the unknown.


The Fuel Rats [Website]

"We have fuel. You don't. Any questions?" - the tag line of the Fuel Rats!!!  If you find yourself in a situation where you've jumped or got somewhere and found yourself out of fuel, then self-destructing and losing all of that valuable information isn't your only option.  Give this group of players a shout via their website and they will get someone to you to get you on your way, no matter where you are in the galaxy!


Elite: Dangerous Market Connector (EDMC) [App]
Available on GitHub

A small discrete application that just sits in the background and reads the journal file of your exploits and uploads the market prices that you have seen and flight log information to the above sites.  It is applications like these that are the life blood of the above information sites as without these running on Commander's machines the data supplied would be horribly out of date!!


EDDiscovery [App]
Available on GitHub

Performs a similar job to EDMC in the first instance, but does so so much more!!!  This application actually shows you what is being read from your journal file and displays at a glance your current position, fuel levels, distance from home, combat statistics, value of scanned planets and that is just scratching the surface!  Well worth checking out, and if options are set carefully can be used with EDMC to make sure you have all databases covered.


ED Odyssey Materials Helper
Available on GitHub

Are you wanting to engineer parts of your ship but don't know where to start?  Not sure what materials you still need to get hold of or what you have access to?  With the Materials Helper (and don't let the Odyssey part put you off as this works for the base game as well) will read your game journal file to see what materials that you already have in your hold as well as allow you to make shopping lists for the engineering solutions that you want to apply.  You can also filter out the engineers that you haven't unlocked as yet so you can see what is available to you.


VoiceAttack [App]
Available from VoiceAttack or on Steam

This is an application that you have to pay for, but if you are wanting to use voice commands with Elite (or anything else for that matter) then this is well and truly worth it.  I would personally get the version directly from the developer as opposed to the one that is on Steam, but that is more down to the fact that I've been using it so long that it wasn't originally available on Steam!!!


Elite: Dangerous Astrometrics Ship Name Generator [Website]
Just go here...

This is a bit of a silly one, but when you have just bought a ship do you ever find yourself stuck for what you want to call it?  With this ship name generator, it can come out with things that are totally absurd to the downright weird, but it's a great source of inspiration to come up with something of your own.


EDTools [Website]

Initially this site doesn't look like much, but when you realise the information that it can give you, it is invaluable.  With options to find the best Road to Riches exploration route for when you are just starting to finding the best locations to mine or letting you know where those rare commodities are, this is the site that has them all.


EDSY (Elite: Dangerous Shipyard) [Website]

Welcome to theory crafting for Elite!!!  Here you can design your ship builds with any of the modules that are available within the game, and from there know what you need to do so that you can have the ship of your dreams.  an exceptionally handy tool of you are wanting to make that xeno bug hunter or an exploration extraordinaire type vessel for your fleet.


Neutron Plotter + Other Tools (Spansh) [Website]

Need to get somewhere in a hurry?  Have you had your fill of exploration and just want to get back to the bubble?  With the aid of Spansh you can find and plot the nearest neutron star locations to get you where you need to be in double-quick time with the all important 4x multiplier that you get from scooping the jet cones of neutron stars.